What Is Open Campus Protocol (EDU)?


Bitcoin For Beginners, Blockchain

What Is Open Campus Protocol (EDU)? Open Campus is a Blockchain-based platform that seeks to revolutionize the education landscape. It facilitates seamless interactions between learners, educators, content creators, and service providers. Built on the principles of decentralization, Open Campus empowers teachers and users by giving them control over their creation and data, fostering trust, and incentivizing participation.

At its core, Open Campus is a platform that powers Publisher NFTs, a tokenized version of educational content, to bridge the gap between teachers and students directly. Open Campus’ project model will provide essential tools for content creators, education institutions, and partners to create content across any discipline and mint them as Publisher NFTs; teachers can then sell and trade these NFTs on the Open Campus marketplace to co-publishers who will take up the role to market, promote and spread the content into different communities across the world. 


  • Open Campus is a blockchain-based, decentralized education platform that leverages Publisher NFTs to empower learners, educators, and education enthusiasts. 

  • It offers equitable revenues, actual ownership, and a path for individuals to make a difference in education.

  • Open Campus revolutionizes education by fostering an inclusive ecosystem for educators passionate about creating valuable content to teach and cultivate bright minds in the world.

Democratizing Education

Education is a fundamental pillar of society, but traditional systems often face challenges regarding accessibility, transparency, and accountability. Open Campus emerges as a disruptive force, harnessing the power of blockchain to address these limitations. Open Campus’s decentralized technology creates a transparent, inclusive, and learner-centric ecosystem.

How Does It Work?

Open Campus utilizes blockchain technology at its core to create transparent and immutable educational content and IP records. By leveraging smart contracts, the platform introduces a unique innovation called Publisher NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens). These NFTs play a vital role in the platform’s ecosystem, allowing content creators to showcase their work, engage with their audience, and monetize their expertise.

These Publisher NFTs enable tokenizing educational content and sharing revenues with different contributors who have supported the cause. The smart contract will store the revenue generated from the content, allowing co-owners to withdraw according to their contributions. For instance, teachers will start their content creation efforts, while co-publishers will do so for their marketing and localization contributions.

For content creators and teachers

Publisher NFTs bring significant benefits to content creators within the Open Campus ecosystem, allowing them to earn a fair share of the revenue generated by their courses. Unlike traditional platforms or workplaces where a centralized institution may take significant earnings, Open Campus eliminates intermediaries, enabling creators to earn substantially more.

By leveraging Publisher NFTs, content creators can increase their earning potential. In the first Publisher NFT sale conducted last year, a teacher could earn 13 times her monthly salary by selling just one course. This demonstrates the immense potential for creators within the Open Campus platform.

Moreover, Open Campus recognizes and values the contributions of content creators by incentivizing their efforts. Creators are empowered to build their brand, establish their expertise, and connect with a broader audience. The platform provides a fair and transparent environment where creators can monetize their knowledge and skills without the limitations imposed by centralized institutions.

By participating in the Open Campus ecosystem, content creators can unlock new levels of financial independence, creative freedom, and recognition for their expertise. The platform’s decentralized nature and emphasis on fair revenue sharing empower creators to thrive in their educational endeavors, providing them with a sustainable and rewarding environment for their content creation journey.

For co-publishers

Publisher NFTs offer a range of benefits to content creators and co-publishers within the Open Campus ecosystem. As NFT owners, co-publishers gain the exclusive right to market, promote, and earn a portion of the revenue generated by their promotional efforts of educational content.

By holding a Publisher NFT, co-publishers become active participants in the education journey. They can significantly impact learners by curating and sharing courses with their communities. This empowerment enables co-publishers to contribute to spreading knowledge and play a vital role in shaping the learning experience.

The revenue-sharing aspect further incentivizes co-publishers to reach a wider audience. The revenue generated increases as their promotional efforts attract more learners to the educational content. This, in turn, translates into a larger share of income that can be distributed among co-publishers and teachers involved in creating the content.

The collaborative nature of co-publishing allows individuals to come together, combining their resources, expertise, and networks to amplify the reach and impact of educational content. Co-publishers can leverage their unique perspectives to connect with diverse communities, fostering a more inclusive and holistic learning environment.

By participating as co-publishers, individuals can actively contribute to the democratization of education and the empowerment of learners worldwide. The ability to market and promote educational content benefits co-publishers financially and enables them to share their passion for learning and make a difference in the lives of learners.

Open Campus Protocol (EDU) For students 

Publisher NFTs within the Open Campus Protocol (EDU) ecosystem offer significant benefits to students, enriching their learning experiences and providing them with unique opportunities. 

Students can explore courses, tutorials, and resources curated by knowledgeable creators often unavailable in standard curriculums. This ensures access to diverse, engaging content catering to their learning needs and interests.

Implementing Publisher NFTs aligns with Open Campus’s commitment to decentralization and community-driven initiatives. So, Content producers shape the learning experience, giving them a platform to thrive, contribute, and be recognized. As Open Campus Protocol (EDU) evolves, publisher NFTs will help build a thriving community of content creators, instructors, and learners. This novel strategy for encouraging and rewarding creators enhances Open Campus’s value proposition and positions it as a leader in blockchain and education.

What Makes Open Campus Protocol (EDU) Unique?

Open Campus stands out due to its commitment to decentralization, community engagement, and learner empowerment. Unlike traditional centralized education platforms, Open Campus shifts the power dynamics by involving learners and educators in decision-making processes. The platform’s emphasis on transparency, inclusivity, and collaboration fosters a vibrant learning community that can collectively shape the future of education.

Open Campus Protocol (EDU): Publisher NFTs

The first and only NFT model is targeted to give a fair share of revenue to teachers and content creators to recognize their value in society. It has a flywheel effect with Web3 investors to make the entire cycle of creating, trading, and selling sustainable. 


Open Campus Protocol (EDU) has partnered with education-focused Web3 companies aiming to drive change. The anchor partner, TinyTap, operates as a UGC content platform enabling teachers to create and deliver lessons to K12 students. With a library of over 250k studies from over 100k creators, they are prepared to mint these as Publisher NFTs. They actively participated in Open Campus product development with their expertise in building content creation tools. 


Open Campus Protocol (EDU) decisions are driven in a DAO format, where EDU holders are the key driving force. So, to be a community-led decentralized education protocol, all major decisions must go through a robust and rigid proposal voting process driven by the EDU community.

What is the EDU Token?

Central to Open Campus is the EDU token, which serves as the native cryptocurrency within the ecosystem. The EDU token incentivizes participation and rewards users for their contributions, whether creating educational content, providing services, or actively engaging in the platform. Moreover, this token economy drives the growth and sustainability of Open Campus while ensuring fair compensation for value-added activities.

Open Campus Protocol (EDU): Use cases

  • Payment to reward content creators and co-publishers for their revenue share.

  • Minting educational content as an NFT.

  • Payments to access partner educational platforms of Open Campus Protocol (EDU).

  • Voting and governance rights for the Open Campus DAO.

What’s Next for Open Campus Protocol (EDU)?

Open Campus Protocol (EDU) has an ambitious roadmap ahead. Open Campus wants to lead the education market by growing collaborations, improving platform functionality, and incorporating new technologies. So, the initiative will also investigate blockchain technology in education for credential verification, lifetime learning records, and decentralized governance.

Publisher NFT Sales

The Publisher NFTs will be sourced from Open Campus partners, including TinyTap, GEMS Education, and others. Season 1 of Publisher NFT was conducted in Q4 last year – generating a total sales of 243 ETH across 12 courses. So, the upcoming Season 2 Publisher NFT Sale will feature the best courses from TinyTap to grow mass-market adoption of Publisher NFTs, too.

OC Alliance

Partners adopt and integrate $EDU with their core businesses. We work with different payment providers, including Binance Pay and others, to onboard partners to integrate $EDU into their companies. More partners will join the Alliance to expand the $EDU token’s utility and strengthen its role among education providers.

OC Labs

OC Labs is a company that specializes in developing innovative solutions for various industries and sectors. Major Web 2 and three brands use Open Campus Protocol (EDU) to create educational content to promote their company value and mission. We have eight partners for the first semester to cover “The World We Live In.” Open Campus will post course content for learning, and the following semester will be released soon. So, keep an eye on our social media accounts.

Closing Thoughts

Open Campus Protocol (EDU) holds immense potential to revolutionize education through Blockchain technology. So, Open Campus fosters a more inclusive, transparent, and learner-centric approach to education by empowering learners, educators, and content creators. Blockchain gains recognition for transformative capabilities. Open Campus leads the movement, driving innovation and reimagining the future of learning.

Open Campus Protocol (EDU) encourages decentralization and community interaction, using the EDU token to make education more accessible, efficient, and equal. So, Open Campus showcases a future where education is borderless, collaborative, and learner-centric, thanks to Blockchain technology.


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